Thursday, 25 May 2017

Beretta Arx 100 Genaue Forex

Beretta ARX 160 22LR Casey Gonzalez: Ich habe gerade gekauft und liebe es Ich habe mehrere Zubehör hinzugefügt, um es bereits ist es eine sehr coole genaue Pistole Giovanni Fieni: Notredam de Paris. Das Monster Chase: Beretta versteht nicht schlank. M. M .: Meine Gedanken sind - es ist ein 22 also warum so sperrig. Teil der Kühle von 22 ism ist, können Sie abnehmen so Im nicht zu aufgeregt durch eine Pistole, die viel tiny-er sein könnte, aber zu versuchen und cool aussehen oder etwas ---- isnt. Ich denke, die Designer fehlen, was wirklich cool ist über ein 22 .---- total. Holly Wood: Verschwenden von Kugeln. Sie wissen, wie hart .22LR ist jetzt erhalten Verlassener Patrick Kuchen: Sein ein .22 sein nicht annehmen, um starken Rückstoß zu haben: / strikezero01: ernsthaft sieht es wie ein airsoft kein Rückstoß aber sein wirklicher und schlechter Esel nett aus: D Verdammung wie Stallone sein Aber die US-Armee wählen Sie das andere Gewehr (nicht zu erwähnen, was es ist), aber der Mensch ist dies die beste FRANCO-ITA: MERAVIGLIOSO, mio ​​sono innamorato e lo comprato, provato al poligono va molto bene. Imperial Kushsmokers: Stärkste Hunch PacoZoniasLP: Nein Recoil O. o Swift: So gut, wenn nicht besser als alle anderen .22LR Es wird wahrscheinlich nicht töten größeres Spiel in einem Schuss, es sei denn, Sie sind sehr genau, aber es wird sicherlich bluten sie. B Mastro: wäre das gut für die Jagd nach Maw1777: Cant warten für die ARX100 in 300 blk ANONMS. Wie wenn COD GHOSTS brachte hier. LGODofLAGl: Natürlich hat es keinen Rückstoß, es feuert. 22 LR MylesPerHr: Wow keine Rückstoß diese Waffe ist in Kabeljau Geist jsprite123: Hallo, wie viel kosten sie GordonTrenchard: Ich habe eine mit 1150 Runden durch sie wie heute. ZERO MALFUNCTIONS mit allen Arten von Bulk-Typ Munition, die alles, was ich finden kann. Sehr beeindruckt von der Zuverlässigkeit. GordonTrenchard: Nein. Zwei eigenständige Gewehre. Die .223 Version wird etwa 2K sein. SoldierCyfix: Wenn ich diese Waffe kaufen kann ich es zu aktualisieren 5,56 und 0,223 in Zukunft Beretta ARX 160 22LR mit 5 von 5 zu schießen Geteilt von anderen Beretta ARX-160 Sturmgewehr Bewertung SHOT Show 2012: Beretta ARX160 Beretta Reagiert auf M9A3 Missbilligung durch US Army Firearms Channel bei der 2012 Shot Show besucht Beretta USA, um die Nano Guns zu überprüfenAmerica TV SHOTSHOW 2010 Beretta USA 25th Ann. M9. Px4 Kompakt Neos Karabiner KitRock River Brazos LAR-8 Varmint A4 Ofreciendo la Präzision sub-MOA, el LAR-8 Varmint es una slida alternativa semiautomtica ein Los rifles de francotirador. 14. Dezember 2011 De Mike Detty Sola 82038203ser que rifles de jacques de perno eran la nica Sie haben keine Artikel auf Ihrer Wunschliste. Estos Gewehre requirieron un poco de armera especializada para llevarlos eine donde siempre producan genaue precisa. Los halbautomatische Scharfschützen-Systeme (SASS). Wir bieten Ihnen eine breite Palette von automatischen Scharfschützen. Ritter Armament Finalmente gan ese contrato y ahora est produciendo Gewehre para los militares reemplazando los caones de perno M24 Cansados ​​82038203y ms de 50 aos de edad M21S (Modificados M-14 Gewehre de francotirador) con el M110 SASS. La Genauigkeit de los rifles semiautomticos ahora koinzidieren y en algunos casos supera la de los caones. La ventaja de usar für arma de perno es obvia für arma semiautomtica. Los disparos de seguimiento so viel ms rpidos und el retroceso de fieltro es mucho menor. Schmucksachen u. Uhr Schmuck Armbanduhr Schmucksachen u. Uhr Schmuck Armbanduhr Schmucksachen u. Uhr Schmucksachen u. Uhr Schmucksachen u. Uhr Schmuck Armbanduhr. Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! 5.56 AR, kein Heu confusin ya que los controles Sohn casi idnticos. Recientemente, Rock River Arms präsentieren El Gewehr LAR-8 Varmint A4. Cmara para el cartucho .308, la caracterstica ms obvia de este gewehre es säubern de acero inoxidable pesado de 26 pulgadas. Otras cualidades que hacen que el rifle se adapte bien para el trabajo de precisin de largo alcance incluyen su Begrenzungsscheibe de Flotador libre, disparador de dos etapas de coincidencia, y su capacidad de utilizar abundante FAL excedente de 20 revistas redondas. Si verwendet est sintiendo una ligera punzada de deja vu es porque usted puede haber visto este rifle antes en un disfraz diferente. En 2005, revis un Bushmaster .308 Klicken Sie hier, um die Liste anzuzeigen 20 POLIZEI. El 0,308 fue un proyecto interno que probablemente empez ein finales de los 90. Tenamos el diseo inicial en 2002 y al mismo tiempo que Bushmaster descubri estbamos Haciendo un 0,308 y nos acercamos ein licencias, explica Steve Mayer, encargado de la aplicacin de la Ley de Rock River und den Gürtel von Gobierno y Koordinator de desarrollo de nuevos productos. Por Qu Rock River hara tal cosa En ese momento ramos una empresa muy pequeña y tenamos nuestras manos llenas con el nuevo contrato de carabina DEA 5.56, el ms grande que Marmeladen hemos tratado, Würfel Mayer. Als que se tom la decisin de licenciar el diseo del .308 ein Bushmaster, produjeron unos cuantos Meilen der Gewehre Durante los dos aos que tenan bajo su Kontrolle Antes de renunciar a los derechos. Rock River kein reintrodujo de inmediato el Gewehr. Ms bien, la compaa pas loses dos aos siguientes pasando el rifle von adelante hacia atrs, aprendiendo de la experiencia von Bushmaster con ella e zusammenfassung nueva tecnologa y nuevas ideas. Ms de 60 pases utilizaron el Gewehr FAL de los aos 60 en adelante. En un tiempo se llam el brazo derecho del mundo libre porque era tan comun de los arsenales de los pases keine comunistas. Als que literalmente hay millones y millones de revistas disponibles. FAL que iban de 8 ein 20 para una nueva revista. Los nuevos Gewehren Rock River aceptarn las revistas de patrones de pulgadas und mtricas. Fuifos revolucionarios en la forma en que nos acercamos ein las revistas FN FAL, Würfel Mayer. En lugar de trabajar una plataforma de AR y pensar qu podemos pegar en la magwell, comenzamos eine trabajar con la magia FAL und konstruktive el rifle alrededor de l. Cuando se seño el pesto del pueno pensamos que vamos ein Hacer que funcione con uno de los Ms Abundantes en el mundo y é lo que podemos llegar a. Nuestra liberacin de tornillo es muy ähnlich wie a la del lanzamiento en un original FN FAL, en la colocacin y cmo funciona, aade Mayer. Todo el mundo dijo que kein podamos konstruir un rifle que funcionara con una revista FAL und demostr que los oponentes estaban equivocados. De hecho, la liberacin del perno, pareo, pareo, para, lara, larma, varmint, El pesto del perno se ejecuta ist ein Ort, an dem Sie Ihre Reise beginnen können. Empujando hacia arriba la palanca mientras tira de la manija de carga hacia atrs Sie haben noch keine Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb. La presin hacia abajo sobre la palanca, que se puede hacer auf dem dachboden, har caer el porta-pernos. Es gibt keine Mindestbestellmenge. Piezas de calidad Felsen-Fluss comenz ein enviar lo que llama EL LAR-8 Varmint A4 Presumiblemente von Varmint se refiere al Barril pesado. Para un arma que se vende por slo 1,385 EL LAR-8 cuenta con uno von los barriles ms sofisticados que er Visto en este rango de precios. Rock River in der Nähe von Wilson, in der Nähe der folgenden Sehenswürdigkeit: Criognicamente. Este proceso implizite enfriar el barril ein menos 300 grados Fünf luego gradualmente permitiendo que vuelva ein las temperaturas ambiente. Este proceso refina la estructura von Grano del Barril para estabilizarlo. Se obtienen velocidades mayores cuando el barril se vuelve ms denso y las superficies ms lisas reduzieren la friccin, lo que a su vez reduzieren el calor. De-tensionar el barril, hace menos wahrscheinlich que se deforme cuando se calienta de la verbrennungen continua, que causara normalmente el encordamiento vertikal de grupos. El barril de acer inoxidable pesado de 26 pulgadas aprovecha al mximo la gama de .308 y da al Antriebsantrieb suficiente espacio para quemarse completamente. Velocidades ms Altas asegurarn que el proyectil Permanezca estabilizado a mayores distancias. Rifled con un giro de 1: 10-luggada, mi rifle von prueba realizado admirablemente cada peso de la bala que absicht von 147 granos ein 175 granos. Rock River garantieren este Gewehr para der Präzision de Minuto des Winkels, es dezir, que ein 100 yardas es capaz de producir grupos de una pulgada. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein Modell, das sich auf die Bedürfnisse der Kunden stützt. Antes de pensar que la compaa mich envi un timbré, una pistola prepada especficamente para für die Auswertung de un armero, djenme sealar que este rifle fue adquirido a travs de los canales de consumo. Quera, die für die LAR-8 verwendet wird. Als que emparej el rifle mit Trijicon nuevo TR23-1 AccuPoint 5-20X alcance variabel con cruz estndar und punto mbar. Hace tiempo que soy fan von de. aliexpress. com Deutsch Willkommen bei aliexpress Mitglied kostenlos anmelden | facebook anmelden Account-Management Bestellung-Management Gutschein-Management Hilfe Back to English of AliExpress Kategorie kennzeichnen Einkaufswagen Käuferschutz Zusätze u. Teile AccuPoints de menor potencia. Sie haben keine Berechtigung zur Stellungnahme. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. Trijicon TR23-1 resuelve este problema. En el centro de la mira de cuento un punto de mira iluminado. En luz del sol brilla brillante y es von der Kollektor de la fibra ptica. Hay un Bedienungsanleitung de brillo para evitar que el punto de mira Ursache fatiga ocular. En condiciones de poca luz, el punto de mira es alimentado von tritio para que el tirador nunca pierda el punto de mira. Con el recoil ms pesado del .308, aprecio el alivio ms Largo de ojo de este alcance y Encontr los controles de la Torre para el Windage und la elevacin tambin para ser benutzerfreundlich. Deutsch - Übersetzung - Linguee als Übersetzung von "el alcance" vorschlagen Linguee - Wörterbuch Deutsch - Englisch Andere Leute übersetzten 'intervalos ms largos' so ins Deutsche:. Montieren Sie alcance auf dem Berg 30 m m de Felsen que se conecta fcilmente al Rezeptor überlegener Plano del Gewehr con dos tornillos de pulgar. El peso descargado del rifle con alcance es de aproximadamente 13,5 libras y este peso, eingelöstes sistema de gas de choque estndar, viel spaß para minimizar el retroceso de fieltro. Einer der Hauptmerkmale von 150 rondas y kein geschicktes nada peor por mis esfuerzos, ein Pesar de Tener un hombro artrtico. Para los blancos, wir Parches de 1 Pulgada Shoot-N-C pegados ein un objetivo IPSC establecido ein 100 Yardas. Todos los disparos se hicieron desde un banco de cemento, desde una posicin sentada, utilizando un resto de rifle. Los resultados fueron nada menos que espectaculares. La seleccin Juiciosa de la Municin hace este Gewehr fcilmente un arma de .5 MOA. Mis grupos oscilaron de .78 pulgadas ein mi mejor de .32 pulgadas-un grupo tan pequeo que podra buchstaben cubierto con una moneda de diez centavos Der Artikel wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt. Varmint tambin contribuy a la habilidad del rifle para colocar las rondas encima de uno ein. El gatillo de mi Gewehr se rompi casi exactamente ein 3.5 libras con muy poco overtravel. Es de la variedad nicht verstellbar, que est bien conmigo. Kein Heu tornillos de acoplamiento o de sobrevuelo que puedan retroceder und hacer que el Gewehr Meer inutilizable. Ennegrecimiento del barril Un buen amigo que est unido una unidad marine especial de guerra, me acompa durante la parte de tiro de campo von mi evaluacin. Mencion que el barril de plata brillante tendra que ser oscurecido antes de que pudiera serado para el uso como arma de trabajo. Cuando le pregunt qu proceso usaban sus hombres para camuflar stern armas, esperaba que dijera algo como Vögelchen Neger T o acabado Lauer DuraCoat. Su respuesta fue, cualquier pintura und aerosol est a la venta en la ferretera. Esos chicos Sohn duros en sus armas y se dan cuenta de que kein Importieren lo que ponen en sus armas va ein conseguir rayado y requieren un toque rpido. Su recomendacin para m erea comprar barbacoa negro, die misma cosa que usara para repintar su barbacoa. Cuanto ms caliente su barril obtiene ms la pintura cura. Es un acabado negro plano que nicht es reflexivo y fcil de retocar. Pusimos nuestros objetivos de 100 ein 300 yardas y disparamos el Gewehr usando un Bipod de Harris Hülsen-Hülsen-Pistole-Gewehr-Gewehr-Gewehr-Gewehr-Gewehr-Gewehr. La ptica de Trijicon auf dem Felsen Fluss llegaron incluso al aburrido objetivo ms lejano. Pareca una combinacin imposible de perder. Despus de pasar del par de revistas de municiones sin perder, decidimos keine hacer ms que disparos a la cabeza y todava encontramos que los estbamos golpeando con regularidad montona. El Largo y pesado kann amortigu La Interrupcin del kann Hasta el punto de que Pio ver mi Aufschlag der Balas en los distantes blancos de acero. Utilic una variedad de revistas FAL sobrantes und encontr que funcionaban perfectamente. Durante mi Bewertungen für 300 rondas no hubo atascos o paradas de ningn tipo. Quera colocar el LAR-8 A4 Nicht auf Lager Magpul PRS, pero encontr que el nuevo Lager nein es kompatibel ya que kein hay suficiente espacio para la manija de carga. Rock River tiene, sin embargo, un nuevo jahrestag. Aunque nicht es justierbare para la längs tinna, ni tiene una pieza justierbar de la mejilla, tiene un pedazo cmodo formado de forma de cua que Permite una soldadura de la méjilla excelente para el tirador y una placado de tope de goma que mantendr la accin De Nylon, dekorativ und dekorativ. El Stock de Operador tambin cuenta mit compartimentos de almacenamiento de la batera und diferentes lugares para un rpido desprendimiento giratorio de la honda. Sie haben keine Artikel im Warenkorb. Produkte vergleichen Es ist kein Artikel zum Vergleichen vorhanden. Varmint A4 Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild. Rock River arama tiene una versin de 20 pulgadas disponible y que debera hacer que el rifle meer un poco ms porttil. Sofort-LIEFERUNG FÜR DIESES PRODUKT 1.305 (Los departamentos y agencias pueden solicitar precios LE), el rifle A4 Barril: Acero inoxidable toro de acero galvanizado Wilson con Giro de 1: 10 pulgadas Aussenlänge: 26 pulgadas Aussen: 47 pulgadas Peso: 11.6 libras Accesorios: Estuche rgido Felsen-Fluss LAR-8 Ungewehr para muchos papeles. Los hermanos Mark und Chuck Larson kombiniert 40 erfahrungen und aktive erfahrungen in den armen des fliegendes para fundar Rock River Arms (RRA) en 1996. 1911 Pistolen und Pistolen, AR. La atencin al detalle asociado de la creacin de 1911s Übereinstimmung-Grad-Pronto se transfiri ein Los mtodos de produccin de AR. Sie haben keine Artikel im Warenkorb. Produkte vergleichen Es ist kein Artikel zum Vergleichen vorhanden. Zurück Bewertung schreiben Stoner. Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild. Estos dos objetivos suelen estar en desacuerdo entre. Es handelt sich um nicht genannte Rechtsvorschriften. Reißverschluss-Armbanduhr, de. aliexpress. com Deutsch Willkommen bei aliexpress Mitglied kostenlos anmelden | facebook anmelden Account-Management Bestellung-Management Gutschein-Management Hilfe Back to English of AliExpress Kategorie kennzeichnen Einkaufswagen Käuferschutz Zusätze u. RRA Steuerung de calidad fue rpidamente recompensado dentro de slo unos pocos aos de sur escena AR. La metodologa operativa de RRA fue rpidamente llevada a la vanguardia al ganar contratos para proveer Gewehre RRA AR a la DEA y al FBI. Esto ha sido seguido ya que con otros contratos para entidades federales, estatales und Orte von aplicacin de la ley. Es verfügt über zahlreiche Ausstattungen, insbesondere 24-Stunden-Rezeption, Tennisplatz, Business Center, kostenlose Parkmöglichkeit. Es handelt sich um den folgenden Hotelstil: Günstige. Durch seine günstige Lage, östlichen Viertel, nur 10 Minuten zu Fuß vom Stadtzentrum entfernt, ist dieses Hotel der ideale Aufenthaltsort, um die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Rock River zu besichtigen, Esto fue antes de AR Gewehren eran tan comunes afield como lo Sohn ahora. Mi decisin ha sido mes que justificada, basada en numerosos in der Nähe von Nebraska / Dakota del Sur sin problemas experimentados en trminos de .5 8243 A .75 8243 Genauigkeit und Manifestation. El crecimiento exponentiell de la popularidad de AR und la partacin de Rock River und esta progresin ha sido sorprendente. Rock River Arms definitivamente tiene piel en el juego AR mit numerosos modelos y calibres. Sie können als Gast (bzw mit Ihrem derzeitigen Status) keine Preise sehen incl. 7.62x51mm / .308 Win, 9mm, 6.8 SPC. 458 Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild. Rock River Arms ha introducido einschliesslich AR de pistn en forma de LAR-PDS. Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild. Leupold Mk4 3.5-10X. El riel Picatinny Del Rezeptor Plane de la RRA LAR-8 Permit una de las ms robustas und verstiles conexiones de alcance ein Gewehr en el mercado. Para que un rifle meer betrachtung verstil, debe ser capaz de befriedigung mltiples rollen con igual aplomo. Un candidato de rifle lebensfähigen para este ttulo es el RRA LAR-8 Operator Estndar kammerte en 7.62x51mm / .308 Win. El Operador Es gibt noch keine Kommentare auf dieser Seite AR con cmara en 7.62x51mm / .308 Win. La potencia de 7.62x51mm / .308 Gewinnen Sie en trminos de balstica und efecto Terminal lo convierte en un favorito entre nuestras tropas y el persönliche de las fuerzas de seguridad en entornos ms rurales. Un rpido vistazo a la resurreccin de la M14 y la reciente Einführungsvarianten des Gewehrs de estilo AR unindose ein las filas con la AR-10 de larga Daten apoyan esta observacin. La combinacin de la plataforma Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild. Dieses Produkt ist möglicherweise für den britischen Markt bestimmt. Bitte informieren Sie sich über mögliche Unterschiede (Stecker, Anschlußwert, Tastaturlayout u. dgl.). Esto est hablando en trminos de la letalidad und el alcance efectivo, mientras que todava Permite que las vueltas mltiples sean enviadas rpidamente runterladen si es necesario en un cuerpo a cuerpo cercano. En los cursos de formacin que involucran ein LE, contratistas militares y de seguridad privada, el mantra de una mag, una matanza se repite ein menudo en relacin con el M16 / AR-15. Mamma-Rüstung 5.56mm ein menudo se retendieren en trminos de letalidad, el 7.62x51mm / .308 Gewinnen Sie kein sufre de esta reputacin. Informiert de Afganistn e Irak han puesto de manifiesto el mal desempeo de 5,56mm en poner ein un adversario hacia abajo rpidamente con rodadas mnimas disparadas, especialmente a distancia. Esta es la razn von los rifles cmara en 7.62x51mm estn ganando popularidad con la actualizacin en el poder que ofrece en relacin con su configuracin de AR vertraut y la manipulacin. Felsen-Fluss-Arme, comos es costumbre, ofrece numerosas LAR-8 con uno seguro para befriedigen las necesidades de un Komplizen Potenzial - aunque una persona o departamento. El operador estndar LAR-8 viene con un 20 8243 El barril Wilson ist ein eingetragenes Markenzeichen von RRA de 1 8243 A 100 yardas. Los rieles delanteros Halb-Viererkabel flotantes libres del operador Estragar RRA permiten la configuracin especfica von la misin con luces, lseres, designadores de blancos y otros elementos. El riel Halbe-Viererkabel de RRA de. aliexpress. com Deutsch Willkommen bei aliexpress Mitglied kostenlos anmelden | facebook anmelden Account-Management Bestellung-Management Gutschein-Management Hilfe Back to English of AliExpress Kategorie kennzeichnen Einkaufswagen Käuferschutz Zusätze u. Elfenbeinfarbenes de. aliexpress. com Deutsch Willkommen bei aliexpress Mitglied kostenlos anmelden | facebook anmelden Account-Management Bestellung-Management Gutschein-Management Hilfe Back to English of AliExpress Kategorie kennzeichnen Einkaufswagen Käuferschutz Schmucksachen u. El tren cudruple verkleinern Sie peso del operador estndar, ein de. aliexpress. com Deutsch Willkommen bei aliexpress Mitglied kostenlos anmelden | El operador estndar, que es choque directo de la operacin contra Pistole impulsado, elimina adems el peso und proporciona un rifle Gleichgewicht (vergleichbar mit otros estilos de rifles que son delanteros pesados). El Betreiber Estndar de RRA acepta tanto las revistas FAL mtricas como pulgadas mit unregelmäßigen RRA-fabricada de 20 vueltas enviada con el rifle. Las revistas de menor capacidad estn verfügbar in RRA, als como en las revistas FAL de revistas ms grandes de 30 rondas. Las revistas de calidad so un para unarma semiautomtica de fuego selektivo. La revista FAL est probada eine este respekto con un abundante suministro disponible. El Betreiber Estndar RRA de 20 8243 pesados ​​82038203pesa aproximadamente 10,5 libras y mide 42 8243. Un archivo RRA Betreiber A2 fijo y una pistola Hogue tiene un usuario intercuador interactuar con el RRA Zweistufige Match Trigger con la pistola equipada. El 20 8243 Haar-Verlängerungen u. Manschettenknöpfe, manteniendo balstica de 7.62x51mm y el rendimiento del terminal. Los potenciales responsables de die hacer cumplir la ley und die civiles de conciencia de seguridad deberan die Prüfung Operador Estndar RRA como su arma principal. Esto se debe a su potencia, Genauigkeit y capacidad multi-misin betrachten las distancias de compromiso probables - inklusive en trminos de disparo de precisin. Todas las armas de Rock River que er experimentado ein Löwe von Los Angeles impresionado y Han cumplido su reputacin de fiabilidad y precisin. El RRA LAR-8 Benutzerprofil von Stoner. Menciono esto, ya que mucha plattenförmig AR que golpean el mercado hoy en da estn Gebrauchsgut un sistema de pistn de gas. Konfektionieren Sie Pelos de la divisin, Los sistemas de choque de gas se unter Berücksichtigung allgemeiner Merkmale ms exacto con los Ars del pistu dado el asentimiento para una mejor confiabilidad. Mis Schlussfolgerungen hasta la fecha Sohn nebulosas cuando se trata de loses pro los contras de cada mtodo operativo. El RRA LAR-8 Zurück zu den Suchergebnissen für: Leupold Mk4 Preis aufsteigend Preis absteigend Preis aufsteigend Preis absteigend Leupold Mk4 3.5-10X. El riel Picatinny del Rezeptor Plane de RRA LAR-8 permite una de las conexiones de alcance ein Gewehr ms resistentes y verstiles del mercado. Por supuesto, otros trabajarn en lugar del Mark 4 Klicken Sie doppelt auf das obere Bild, um es im voller Größe zu sehen Verkleinern Vergrößern Mehr Ansichten. Para m, teniendo en cuenta el alto grado de precisin El LAR-8 Standard Operator, la solucin einfach es mantener el Leupold Mk4 3.5-10X en su lugar y montar un soporte de montaje Offset con un DeltaPoint Leupold o un punto rojo ähnliche ofrecido por Otros fabricantes. Esto permite una rotacin rpida del rifle en el bolsillo von den untoten pocos grados, el acceso a la ptica von punto rojo mit el mnimo esfuerzo von la perturbacin de la manipulacin. Es posible una Bürgermeister flexibilidad con el Dienstleister Estndar LAR-8 de Rock-Fluss aprovechando el sistema ferroviario montando un disponibilis de visin nocturna ATN PS22 delante del alcance de Leupold Mk4. Todo el concepto ATN PS21 se basa en quère de la sécurité de la sécurité de usar su ptica diurna durante la noche sin tener que cambiar dispositivos de puntera Sie haben keine Artikel im Warenkorb. Cualquier Armbanduhr Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Armbanduhr, Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. Der gesetzlichen MwSt. Und zzgl. Versandkosten. La PS22 est unida o desprendida sin ningn Auswirkungen auf el punto ptico de la paralaje no es un problema. Andere Teile des Verkäufers, die mit uns in Verbindung treten, treten mit uns bitte in Verbindung, bevor Sie negatives Rückgespräch lassen. El PS 22 est en casa en cualquier de la parte delantera de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte de la parte delantera. El diseo bsico von M16 / AR-15 es difcil von mejorar cuando se trata von lanzar balas downrange con precisin. El RRA LAR-8 Standard-Operator da un paso ms alle, Gracias a la atencin de Rock River in der Nähe der Fabrik. Winchester 168-Korn Spiel, Hornady 168-Korn TAP, Federal 168-Korn Spiel und Black Hills Municin 168-Korn y 175-Korn Spiel junto con BHA Gold de 180 grano AccuBond cargas fueron probados con el Operador Estndar. Bemerkungen Ninguna municin probada producida sobre 1.25 8243 Grupos a 100 yardas en el Operador Estndar. Esta es la declaracin Esto se minimiza, Überlegen que Federal Match produjo .5 8243 Precisin con el Winchester Spiel ohne muy lejos. Hay muchos rifles de la accin del perno de la precisin in Kammern en .308 Gane keine capaz de este tipo de Genauigkeit - dej solo un RA semi-auto producido de fbrica. Para este artculo, con su nfasis en la exactitud, Las Vegas de FMJ de Winchester fueron probadas. Esto Ära ms para probar funcionalidad que para uso primario. El RRA LAR-8 Standard-Betreiber demostr serfable Durante toda esta Evaluierung, con ms de 450 rondas surtidas enviadas hacia abajo usando las revistas RRA als como las revistas FAL aseguradas para la revisin. El Operador Estndar LAR-8 von 20 8243 Barril kombiniert mit Las Vegas von 168 Grano produziert und verkauft 2.500s Altos ein Los 2.600s bajos fps cuando fue probado sobre un crongrafo de RCBS. Quin Würfel que ARs kein puede disparar ein grupos apretados 8230 Veröffentlicht in Allgemein | | | | | | | | | | | El Operador Standard-MOSTR su verdadera promesa realizando kein slo dentro de las Bahas de 100 yardas en EVTC, disparando desde barricadas y comprometiendo mltiples objetivos, sino tambin de regreso en la lnea preparada de Tiro con objetivos colocados ein 300 yardas. Numerosos taladros fueron ejecutados con cambios de la revista und movindose entre barricadas, simulando la cubierta. Sie haben noch keine Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb. Mayflower Forschung und Beratung - el 7.62 Hybrid Truhe Rig -. La Plataforma de pecho est diseada para tres transportar compartimientos de 7,62mm (POF, SR25, M110, DPMS, FN SCAR H u otros de tamaos similares) en una bolsa integral con cierre de sistema de retencin del cordn de choque ajustable. El Frente de la Bolsa de la revista tiene tres Bolsas de uso general de tamao para llevar las herramientas del Comercio: Binoculares mini, LSER buscador, GPS, telfono celular, PDA, etc. Los lados de la Plataforma de pecho Tienen tres filas de correas PALS Ein Adaptor für das La para la misin. El arns de estilo H incluye bucles para enrutar antenas, Kabel de Comunicaciones y Tubos de hidratacin de la vejiga y se puede extraer ein travs de cuatro Kabel de 1 8243 Hebillas de liberacin seitlichen ITW-Nexus. Sie können das IMDb - Team auf Fehler und Lücken auf dieser Seite hinweisen. Elfenbein-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe-Gewebe - Todas las hebillas Sohn ITW-Nexus IR y todos los materiales y mano de obra Sohn 100 fabricados en los Estados Unidos. TacStrike siluetas de acer se auf dem Markt aleatoriamente de 50 a 320 yardas. El Betreiber Estndar de RRA mit Leupold Mk4 realiz un trabajo corto de marcar varios objetivos de manera rpida. El Operador Estndar RAR LAR-8 soportado ein travs de bipod demostr ser eficiente contra los automviles con drenaje de fluido ubicados en EVTC con objetivos de Popper de Acero TacStrike ubicados dentro de la cabina Algunos de los Escenarios incluso involucrados disparando ein travs del parabrisas delantero. La carga de Accubond de 180 grano de Schwarzes Hügel es una consideracin superior para este tipo de compromiso. La ronda Accubond es un intrprete ms fiable para la penetracin de la barrera en comparacin con Vergleichen Sie das Angebot - El disparo del Operador In den Warenkorb Auf den Wunschzettel Auf die Vergleichsliste TacStrike de acero de escala 1/4. Los regelt operativos RAR LAR-8 sern familiares ein cualquier persona que haya manejado un rifle de estilo AR. Hay dos advertencias ein esta declaracin. El primero es el botn de liberacin del cargador, que est situado en la Basis del pozo del depsito en su unin con el guardabarros pivotante, de comparacin con la configuracin normale en el lado izquierdo del recptor. Es ambidiestro y sigue el patrn establecido en el Gewehr FAL. Es verfügt über 3 schlafzimmer. Lage: Strand. Es verfügt über ein gemeinsam Eigener schwimmbad. El pestillo bloquea automticamente el perno de un cargador vaco, pero tambin puede blüht el perno hacia atrs vorsitzung hacia arriba mientras tira del perno hacia atrs. La segunda diferencia en comparacin con el AR estndar es el botn von liberacin del cargador que se encuentra en ambos stellvertretender rezeptor, por lo que es ambidiestro. El Operador Estndar LAR-8 de Felsen-Fluss-Arme von 20 8243 manej mejor von lo esperado de un arma de caliber .308. Es gibt keine Mindestbestellmenge. HK91, M1A und FAL. El RRA Half-Quad-Schiene es en parte responsable de esto. Es raro encontrar ohne Gewehr capaz de cumplir mltiples funciones tan bien que el usuario kein sienta que algo ha sido comprometido von el bien de la utilidad. Las comparaciones de Rangos junto con los AR-15s de 5,56 mm mostraron diferencias menores en los tiempos fraccionados al golpear mltiples objetivos en sucesin, lo cual no es malo considerando la diferencia de potencia entre 7,62x51mm y 5,56mm. Anecdticamente, un observador beiläufiger puede decir fcilmente ein un objetivo de acero golpeado con un .308 frente ein 5.56mm ein cualquier distancia. Mucho se hace von 5.56m m que se pueden llevar Vergleiche a .308 segn lo medido en libras. Si bien esta lnea de pensamiento es apreciada, ein menos que est en una patrulla extendida o una misin ohne fcilmente reabastecido, el poder zusätzliche y la letalidad de la 0,308 sobre los 5,56 mm supera esto. Como de la sécuritas de armas, loses / contras pueden ser debatidos para siempre. Los usuarios Einzelpersonen tomarn la decisin de lo que mejor se adaptte ein sus necesidades. El LAR-8 puede servir como un punto de referencia para el rendimiento und de papel de rifle de precisin, als como realizar un rifle de uso allgemein. El Betreiber Estndar con cmara de .308 tiene poder de sobra y 20 8243 Barril keine es tanto unobstculo como uno puede imaginar, gracias ein cmo el rifles es equilibrado y maneja. Esta es una combinacin difcil de argumentar de trminos de utilidad para LE y el persönliche militar o la conciencia de seguridad civil. Las CARACTERSTICAS de 0,308 en trminos de letalidad, balstica y retroceso manejable lo convierten en un candidato ideal para cartuchos de uso allgemeinen especialmente empaquetado en el RRA LAR-8 Standard Operator, que aprovecha al mximo la Plataforma AR. Por Todd Burgreen Fotos por CR Newlin Este artculo fue publicado en la revista GUNS Magazine Kampf 2013 Special Edition Para ms informacin: Rock River Arme Magpul Auf PRS Präzisions-Gewehr-Ajustable AR-15 Sinttico Construccin SLIDA con una longitud ajustable de TIRN y la altura de la Mejilla hacen de esta accin una excelente im Vergleich zu varmint y rifles de largo alcance de destino. El peso de 28 oz aade peso y equilibrio ein Gewehre de can pesado. Eignet sich nicht amortiguador estndar A2 de longitudinal de rifle, un tubo tampn de extensin de receptor y un resorte (no incluido). Inkludieren Sie herrajes de montaje y 2 lazos ambidiestro. Cuando se compara con el stock estndar A2, el ajuste de la longitud de traccin de MagPul PRS va desde .25 ms corto que el A2 a .75 ms largo que el A2. Esta accin requiere un amortiguador de la longitud del rifle, una extensin del tubo del almacenador intermediario y un resorte que se deben comprar por separado. El AR-10 PRS se puede utilizar en un AR-15 para un espacio adicional entre el mango de carga y el reposacabezas. LOP Min / Max: 13.3 a 14.3 Rock River Armas LAR-6.8 CAR A4 Rifle Trusted Review trade Tanteador Puntuacin media: 4,3 de 5,0 Cada producto o servicio est clasificado en Calidad, Fiabilidad, Precio / Valor y Referencia. Cada rea tiene una puntuacin individual, y crea un Trusted Review trade . El Rock River Arms LAR-6.8 CAR A4 recuadrado en 6,8mm Remington SPC. Se muestra aqu con una revista de cinco asaltos y un telescopio Hawke Optics Panorama EV. Cuando .223 simplemente no es suficiente 8230 Contrariamente a esa provocativa lnea de apertura, no voy a embarcarme en un Nyah, nyah, nyah, este calibre es ms mejor o menos mejor que cualquier otro calibre 8222 diatriba. En su lugar, voy a aprovechar esta oportunidad para celebrar la diversidad. Ya sabes, como los hippies. Una de las razones por las que la plataforma AR o MSR (Rifle deportivo moderno) es tan increblemente popular es porque es tan flexible y flexible que incluso el portavoz de la Casa Blanca Jay Carney en una conferencia de prensa de Obamacare. No slo es flexible en cuanto a ajuste (con opciones de stock ajustables) y accesorio (con todo, desde luces tcticas hasta motosierras), es flexible en trminos de calibre. De alguna manera u otro, consegu un insecto encima de mi parte trasera para probar un rifle de AR en Remington SPC de 6.8mm y eleg los brazos del ro de la roca (RRA) LAR-6.8 6.8mm Remington SPC CAR A4. Por qu Bueno, sin otra buena razn aparte de lo que yo quera. Eso y el hecho de que yo vivo en Murica. Qu es exactamente 6,8mm Remington SPC, usted pregunta Se trata de una solucin propuesta para detener el suministro de energa. Quejas alrededor de la ronda militar 5.56x45mm. No es tan pesado y voluminoso como el cartucho 7.62x51mm (.308 Winchester), por lo que uno puede llevar un montn de municin. Fue diseado para mejorar el rendimiento de barril corto a travs de un esfuerzo conjunto entre las Fuerzas Especiales de los Estados Unidos, la Unidad de Marksmanship del Ejrcito y Remington. Dividiendo la diferencia entre 5.56 y 7.62, es fcilmente adaptable a rifles AR intercambiando el perno, el can y el cargador para versiones de 6,8 SPC de dichas partes. Dado que comparte la misma longitud total que la ronda 5.56, no se requieren cambios en el receptor inferior de AR. Su caja del cartucho se deriva del .30 Remington, as que desafortunadamente usted no puede hacer su propio latn de scrounged-up .223 tripas. Como una nota lateral, a diferencia del .223 / 5.56, 6.8 SPC utiliza una cartilla de rifle grande. La atencin al detalle en el LAR-6.8 es excelente. Observe la llave de gas de doble juego. El ajuste del portaherramientas era muy ajustado. Caractersticas del Rock River Arms 6.8 COC. Rock River Armas hace una multa AR. Hace unos aos, la DEA orden 3.2 camiones de ellos y algunas unidades del FBI y de los Mariscales de los Estados Unidos se apoyaron en ese contrato. Desde entonces, los modelos RRA se han ganado una slida reputacin. Si ordena su rifle por adelantado en lugar de comprar uno en el estante, puede personalizarlo con el contenido de su corazn y un rifle se construir de acuerdo con sus especificaciones. Algunas de las opciones disponibles incluyen: A2 o A4 superior. Cilindro con cromo o cromo. Varios flash hiders: quieres un Smith Enterprise Vortex o un freno de boca No hay problema. Bloque de gas / base de vista: estndar, bajo perfil, o flip-up listas versiones estn disponibles. Palancas de seguridad estndar o ambidiestro y sujecin de cargador. Guardamanos, agarres y culatas: demasiadas opciones para listar aqu. Las guardas de gatillo y las asas de perno tambin son personalizables para uso normal o con guantes. Para esta revisin, he pedido especficamente el 6.8 SPC CAR con un receptor superior A4, el guardabarros RRA Quad Rail Free Float, un barril cromado, una base de vista de bloque de gas, un Smith Enterprise Vortex Flash Hider y Badger Tactical Bolt Latch. Diseado como un rifle ptico, esta versin es un poco de un Cadillac. Todo en este rifle es ajustado y apretado. La palanca de seguridad funciona bien, pero con un acoplamiento positivo y sin holgura. El gatillo es un diseo RRA de dos etapas. I found the take-up stage to be ever-so-slightly gritty at first, but that smoothed out with use. It8217s not light in pull weight, but the trigger break is crisp and sure. It8217s a combat trigger, not a match trigger, so be aware of that if you8217re looking for a competition gun. If you order direct, you can have a rifle customized to your specs. The Badger Tactical Latch Handle shown here was an option I8217m glad I added. I particularly like the handguard. The RRA Quad Rail is a free-floated design that features a rock-solid mount to the upper receiver. And I mean rock-solid. The handguard is round with full-length rails machined on all four sides. The rounded portions between rails are filled with small ventilation holes. I8217m sure these also help to reduce weight of the handguard. While on the free-floated topic, the low-profile front gas block has about 1/32-inch of clearance so it does not interfere with the handguard either. The gas block has a rail that can be used for a back-up iron sight, just be aware that it sits about a quarter-inch lower than the handguard rail. This model includes metal sling loops on the base of the buttstock and the base of the gas block. The placement is good for a two-point sling, but as a personal preference, I would probably move the front sling mount to the handguard so I could snug it up tight for longer shots without putting pressure on the barrel. Magazines are not exactly interchangeable with standard .223 AR magazines. Due to the larger case size, the standard capacity of a 6.8 SPC magazine is 25 rounds instead of 30. If you shop, you can find magazines of greater or lesser capacity. For example, the five-round magazine I tested turns the RRA 6.8 SPC CAR into a swell hunting rifle. Now that the magazine scare of 2013 is winding down, you can find 6.8 SPC magazines without too much heartache. Like, what8217s its energy vibe, man While it uses the same projectile diameter as .270 Winchester, the 6.8 SPC cartridge is a lower-energy offering than nearly all .270 loads. That8217s simply due to case capacity limitations. The 6.8 SPC was designed to fit into a standard AR-platform gun without having to change things like magazine well dimensions. The 8220classic8221 6.8 SPC load uses a 115-grain. 277-inch diameter projectile, and will clock in around 2,640 feet per second. This produces a muzzle energy of 1,785 foot-pounds. But what on earth does that mean Foot-pounds are just one energy measure of a bullet8217s effective power. While it8217s an inexact comparison, it does provide some indication of relative 8220oomph8221 of one cartridge compared to another. To put the 8220oomph8221 of the 6.8 SPC in real terms, let8217s consider the following analogy. I really, really like the quad rail handguard. I added the BLACKHAWK Rail Ladders for comfort on both sides and the bottom. Assume you have a 135-pound hippy. Yes, I know, he needs more protein in his diet. Now, using your most creative method, mount an eye bolt to the top of his head, thus enabling you to suspend him like a pendulum. If this hippy is propelled by a tofu fart at exactly 19.9 miles per hour, the hippie impacting a solid object will impart 1,785 foot-pounds of energy to that object. Okay, so maybe that doesn8217t tell you too much about 6.8 SPC projectile performance, and building a rifle that fires a hippy at exactly 19.9 miles per hour would be impractical, but it8217s a fun analogy that amuses me. How does the 6.8 SPC stack up to other 8220similar-role8221 cartridges in terms of raw energy 223 Remington 55-grain projectile: Muzzle velocity of 3,240 feet per second, muzzle energy rated at 1,281 foot-pounds 5.56x45mm SS109 62-grain: 3,100 fps, 1,303 foot-pounds 300 AAC Blackout 125-grain: 2,215 fps, 1,361 foot-pounds 6.8mm Remington SPC 115-grain: 2,640 fps, 1,785 foot-pounds 308 Winchester, 150-grain: 2,850 fps, 2,704 foot-pounds 50 BMG, 750-grain: 2,935 fps, 14,342 foot-pounds While the .50 BMG is not comparable to the 6.8 SPC in any practical sense, I couldn8217t resist making the comparison. Because8230Ma Deuce We8217re just having a little fun here, but if you really want to learn about cartridges, energy, momentum and other technical things, be sure to check out the Cartridge Comparison Guide. It8217s got lots of performance data on the 6.8mm Remington SPC and just about any other cartridge you can think of. Rock River Arms advertises this as a 1 MOA rifle. With a lame sandbag setup, I was able to shoot this .578-inch group at 100 yards with hand-loaded 115-grain Sierra MatchKing bullets. Rock River Arms advertises this rifle as a 1 MOA shooter. In plain English, with a rock-solid bench and adequate ammunition, it should fire rounds into a one-inch group at 100 yards. Seeing this as a personal challenge for my reloading skills, I whipped up several custom loads in 6.8 SPC. As this rifle encroaches into 8220premium8221 country, I used quality components: brand-new brass and Sierra MatchKing bullets. This rifle really, really liked 115-grain Sierra MatchKing bullets. My best group was .578 inches at 100 yards. I was also able to keep 90-grain Sierra MatchKing loads within an inch of each other. Not shabby at all for a factory-produced semiauto. I think the AR/MSR platform makes for an ideal hunting rifle. The ability to add a whole slew of upper receivers to a standard lower allows for near-infinite caliber choice. From .22 Long Rifle to .458 SOCOM, you8217ve got plenty of choices for all types of game. I8217ve even seen a crossbow AR upper, although admittedly, that8217s a little weird. Having introduced lots of folks to shooting, I8217ve found that 8220scary8221 adjustable stock is no more than a great way to perfectly fit a rifle to just about any shooter8212men, women and youth. The semiautomatic action makes for light recoil even though the rifle itself is fairly light. As the magazine is detachable, you can easily use a low-capacity version for better maneuverability8212and to adhere to any magazine-capacity hunting restrictions that might exist in your locale. Pick up a five-round magazine or two and this makes a fine hunting rifle. The lower-profile magazine helps when lugging this around and allows for more shooting positions. Just for kicks, I loaded some 130-grain pulled bullets. As 8220pulled8221 bullets are literally yanked out of unused cartridges and sold cheap, they8217re not the most accurate. Even with these, I was easily able to shoot 1.3-inch groups at 100 yards. Using proper game bullets or pre-loaded hunting ammo will most certainly yield better results. This rifle was a pleasant surprise. It8217s the first time I8217ve shot the 6.8mm Remington SPC cartridge8212and I liked it. Recoil is hardly more substantial than the .223/5.56 round and as the targets indicate, the RRA 6.8 SPC CAR can shoot. To me, whether it8217s a replacement for .223/5.56 is irrelevant8212it8217s simply another option to consider. It8217s a handy, easy-to-shoot rifle that further expands the capabilities of an AR rifle. Target shooting Por supuesto. Hunting Por supuesto. Self-defense Por supuesto. The only drawback is availability of 6.8 SPC ammo. It8217s not nearly as common as .223 or 5.56. If you choose to reload, ammo availability doesn8217t matter as the .277 projectiles are everywhere. Will it catch on in the commercial market Time will tell. I spent a lot of time looking at the details on this rifle, and overall, found the fit and finish to be excellent. The gas key was staked aggressively---twice per screw. Thats not going anywhere anytime soon. The bolt carrier was machined to a very tight tolerance and the bolt needed a bit of loving encouragement to seat all the way, as the gas ring-to-carrier fit was really snug. This smoothed out during break-in. There is absolutely no slop there. While I didnt have any malfunctions during the test period, I was only able to shoot a few hundred rounds. I cant comment from experience on the long-term reliability of this rifle. The best indicator of future performance is attention to detail on parts fit and construction. As Ive commented elsewhere in this article, I found nothing lacking there. This is not a cheap rifle, because its not a cheap rifle. Its that simple, and you get what you pay for. If you want something well-made thats going to last, you cant buy the cheapest in the discount store. If you order direct from Rock River Arms for delivery through your local FFL, youll pay a little extra for the ability to get a rifle built to your specific desires. If you buy one off-the-rack from a local dealer, youll be able to save a little money. Having torn part more than a few ARs, with the occasional mystery part left over, I can comfortably say this one is put together well. I recommend it, and thats not just because the 6.8 SPC chambering is fun and versatile. Its a solid rifle. CAR-10 Buffer - 5.5 ounces - 99 A CAR-10 buffer will allow you to use any AR15 collapsing stock (Magpul/LMT/VLTOR/Ace/etc) on your AR10, SR25, LMT, LWRC, POF or DPMS-pattern .308 rifle. Standard carbine length stocks cannot be used on these rifles with regular carbine buffers. This is strictly a Drop-In part, no gunsmithing or modifications are required. This product is specifically recommended by Magpul for use with their carbine stocks on .308 ARs. (Call them) CAR-10 buffers also work great with any other stock using a standard 7quot carbine buffer tube. CAR-10 buffers are shorter and heavier than standard carbine buffers. Constructed of 303 Stainless Steel with a sliding Tungsten anti-bounce counterweight. Heavy buffers reduce felt recoil for the shooter, and minimize wear and tear on the gun. Some users have reported that the CAR-10 buffer significantly increased the reliability of their firearms. I recommend using .308 Carbine Buffer Springs with these buffers. I have these springs manufactured specifically for use with my buffers. OEM springs from other manufacturers or aftermarket springs may cause malfunctions. Flat-Wire springs are not recommended for any application. Note: Not compatible with .223 ARs. This buffer is designed for use in .308 ARs with a 7quot receiver extension (buffer tube). If you have an ArmaLite/VLTOR extended length tube (7-3/4quot) please see the XH Carbine buffer on the AR15 Carbine Buffer page. CAR-10 XH Buffer - 6.5 ounces - 125 CAR-10 XH Buffer .308 Carbine Buffer Spring View More Images Retail Price: 1,318.39 Cash Discount Price: 1,279.99 Descripcin del producto Actual product has 20 Barrel. Image Shown has 24 Barrel. Rock River Arms is one of the fastest growing firearms manufacturers in the country, but remains committed to continuing to provide its civilian, law enforcement and military customers with the kind of custom products and services on which its reputation has been built. CALIBER. 223 Wylde Chamber for 5.56mm .223 Cal. LOWER RECEIVER: Forged RRA LAR-15174 UPPER RECEIVER: Forged A4 BARREL: Air Gauged Stainless Steel, 1:8 Twist, Cryo Treated BARREL DIAMETER. 920 in front of gas block - 1.050 under tube TRIGGER GUARD: RRA Winter Trigger Guard LAR-8 Elite Operator .308 Win 7.62x51 16in LAR-8 Predator HP .308 Win 7.62x51 20in LAR-8 Varmint A4 in .308 Win 7.62x51, Rock River Arms part number 308A1560 Rock River Arms 308A1560 LAR-8 Varmint A4 Rifle .308 Win 26in SS Bull 20rd Black Availability: Out of Stock Pricing and Payment Methods In order to be competitive, our prices reflect a 3 discount for payment by cash, check, or money order. Other forms of payment will be subject to an additional 42.02 in processing fees. Arizona residents are subject to 8.3 sales tax. When purchasing a firearm or other restricted item, federal law requires that it MUST ship to a licensed dealer in your state. If you need assistance locating a dealer to have your firearm shipped to, please contact us or enter your zip code at the GunBroker FFL dealer network website. NOTICE. Flat rate and free shipping only applies to the contiguous US. AK, HI, and other territories will incur additional shipping fees. Not all items can legally ship to all 50 states. Please be sure this item is legal in your location before placing an order. If in doubt, please contact us. NOTICE. Our inventory can change rapidly. While we make every attempt to make sure the information on our website is correct, we can not guarantee that inventory statuses, titles, pictures, or descriptions on our site are entirely accurate. We reserve the right to cancel any order, including, but not limited to, orders for items with errors in the inventory status, price, or description. In the event that an order is cancelled, we will not charge you and we will return funds if payment has been sent. Posted 1 Dec 2014 RRA LAR-8 and Bushmaster BAR-10 308 (pre-2010) caveat: these guns have a proprietary design with proprietary buffers. RRA goes out of their way to state this on their website. The design started life as the Bushmaster BAR-10 and the design was sold to RRA, who have continued marketing it as the LAR-8 it after making small changes. Bushmaster has been selling rebadged DPMS LR-308s as the Bushmaster ORC and Hunter 308 lines since 2010, and this caveat does not apply to those rifles. Bushmaster BAR-10 and RRA LAR-8 actions have a longer stroke, and thus a shorter buffer compared to every other 308 AR out there. Take a look at this picture of an LAR-8, the receivers are a bit odd (long) in proportion to most 308 ARs. The reason is the proprietary bolt catch/release, which is positioned similarly to an ACR or Beretta ARX. Therefore nothing in this section is applicable to these rifles, however Slash does sell buffers for these rifles on his website. HK MR762/HK417 caveat: The receiver extension on these rifles is much larger in diameter and completely different and incompatible with all aftermarket stocks, springs, and buffers because you suck and HK hates you. Action length 308 vs. 5.56 The first thing you need to know is that AR-10 and 308 AR rifles have a longer action length than AR-15 rifles. The actual action length isnt super important (and will vary even between rifles of the same make and model due to variations in the way the receiver and receiver extension are threaded) but it is important to know that it is around 3/4 longer than an AR-15 action. This means that the BCG is moving an additional 3/4 into the stock, the charging handle is moving an additional 3/4 to the rear, and for these reasons you cannot swap an AR-15 stock, buffer and action spring system wholesale to a 308 rifle. Many AR-15 parts can be used with 308 rifles when combined with the correct 308 specific components. In general, rifle stocks and receiver extensions for AR-10/308ARs are identical to AR-15 rifle stocks. Due to the longer action length, a stock with a cheek riser that works on an AR-15 may interfere with a 308 ARs charging handle. Magpul sells a version of their PRS for 308 ARs specifically to address this issue, however the standard AR-15 PRS can be modified by cutting the cheek riser, and I assume other stocks with adjustable comb height could be similarly modified. Rifle buffers for 308 rifle stocks are not the same as AR-15 components, they are 308-specific. Standard(ish) 308 rifle buffers are slightly heavier and about 3/4 shorter than the AR-15 rifle buffer to accommodate the longer action stroke. ArmaLite EA1090 - Listed as 5.1875, 5.4 ounces DMPS 308-BS-11 - Listed as 5.25, 5.4112 ounces Slash Heavy Buffer - Listed as 5.200, 10.0 ounces. Action springs for 308 rifle stocks are also not the same as AR-15 components. They are higher rate springs. Slash recommends the ArmaLite part FWIW. JP JPSCS-10 - proprietary captured system with springs, must use included spacer, alternative springs available as JPSCS-PACK10 JP JPSCS-10K - as above with alternative springs, must use included spacer. Heres where things get muddy. There are two competing standards for carbine stock systems in 308 AR rifles, and it goes beyond the commercial/mil-spec dichotomy found in AR-15 carbine stock systems. The first system, which I will refer to as the ArmaLite AR-10 style carbine stock system or ArmaLite style system for short, uses AR-15 carbine buffers. As stated earlier, the stroke of a 308 ARs action (and thus the stroke of the BCG inside the receiver extension) is around 3/4 longer than in an AR-15, and so for this system there are 308-specific receiver extensions that are around 7 3/4 long internally vs. 7 internally on the AR-15 variety. The second system, which I will refer to as the DPMS LR-308 style carbine stock system or DMPS style system for short, uses AR-15 carbine receiver extensions. Again, due to the longer stroke of the 308 AR action, a 308-specific buffer is used that is around 3/4 shorter than an AR-15 carbine buffer. This picture illustrates the difference between ArmaLite AR-10 style carbine receiver extensions and the AR-15 carbine receiver extension used in the DPMS style system: This picture illustrates the difference between DPMS LR-308 style carbine buffers and the AR-15 carbine buffer used in the ArmaLite style system: ArmaLite AR-10 style carbine stock system ArmaLite and several other manufacturers (complete list at the bottom of this section) utilize an AR-15 carbine buffer in conjunction with a 308-specific action spring and receiver extension. You can use any carbine stock that matches the OD of your tube (commercial vs. mil-spec) however see the notes below on which setups will either not fully collapse or over collapse. The buffer ArmaLite uses is identical to an AR-15 H3 buffer. It contains three tungsten weights and weighs 5.4 ounces. Other manufacturers that use this system style may use differently weighted buffers from standard carbine all the way through H3. If you need to go heavier than an H3, the AR-15 buffers listed on Slashs site will work and he recommends the XH. Action springs are 308-specific and are of a higher rate than AR-15 carbine springs. ArmaLite EA1095 - This is the same as for the ArmaLite rifle stock and is what I use in my carbine stock. Receiver extensions are 308-specific and are about 3/4 longer than AR-15 receiver extensions (see pic above.) Depending on the receiver extension used, you can fully collapse elongated stocks such as the VLTOR Emod and MagPul ACS/ACS-L/STR stocks. On the flip side, if you use a stock with no back (visible hole in the rear of the stock as with a mil-spec collapsible stock) it is possible to over collapse a standard length stock on an extension that allows an elongated stock to fully collapse. Several manufacturers offer the 308-specific receiver extension for sale separately: VLTOR RE-A5 - mil-spec OD, allows elongated stocks to fully collapse. VLTOR RE-10/A5SR - mil-spec OD, will not allow elongated stocks to fully collapse or standard stocks to over collapse. RE-PA5: VLTOR A5 Pistol Tube ArmaLite 10207025 - mil-spec OD, will not allow elongated stocks to fully collapse or standard stocks to over collapse. POF 00517 Buffer Tube, Anti-Tilt (7-Position) - mil-spec OD, allows elongated stocks to fully collapse. Anti-tilt feature for op-rod guns. LaRue LT629-15C for 7.62 - Select the 7.62 option, mil-spec OD, will not allow elongated stocks to fully collapse or a standard stock to over collapse. PWS Enhanced Buffer Tube - .308 - mil-spec OD, will not allow elongated stocks to fully collapse or a standard stock to over collapse. Incidentally, the non-VLTOR tubes will work with VLTOR A5 buffers in an AR-15, despite what Vltors website says about this. Could be of interest to folks who want an anti-tilt receiver extension with an A5 buffer in an op-rod AR-15 - POF has you covered. Stocks are standard AR-15, and all of the receiver extensions I have found utilize the mil-spec diameter, so youd have to use a mil-spec stock. As mentioned above, if you choose the right receiver extension you can fully collapse an elongated stock such as the VLTOR EMOD and MagPul ACS/ACS-L/STR. If you wish to use a stock with an open rear, make sure to choose a receiver extension that will not let you over-collapse the stock. Complete stock kits are available from additional manufacturers that do not offer the parts individually: KAC offers the M110 Collapsible Stock Kit, part number 25951. Its not listed on their website but you can purchase it through their dealer network, e. g. aqu. This kit appears unique in that it utilizes a ten position receiver extension, whereas the other receiver extensions available are either seven or six position. It appears to allow elongated stocks to fully collapse and comes with the MagPul ACS. LMT offers a few different kits: LMT L7LA2CT - I can only assume this is mil-spec OD since LMTs SOPMOD stock is mil-spec, the stock is not long enough to fully collapse. LMT L7LA2C - As above only in black. LMT DMR308-KIT - same guts as above but with LMTs DMR stock that resembles a MagPul PRS. It slips on over the carbine style receiver extension whereas the PRS utilizes a rifle receiver extension. PSA offers a couple of kits: PSA PA10 .308 Classic Stock Kit Black - mil-spec tube, AR-15 H buffer, unknown spring and M4-style stock. Tube will not allow stock to over collapse. The following rifle lines utilize the ArmaLite style system, albeit with their own flavor of buffer weights and springs: KAC M110 (when equipped with above-referenced kit) KAC 168221 SR25 EC and ECC, see here. POF mfg Oct 2012 or later, see note at bottom of page here. SampW MampP10 - known to use smaller gas ports and lighter buffers. Rifle stock systems use the carbine buffer/spring and a spacer. Sig 716 - certain models use the DPMS style system instead. DPMS LR-308 style carbine stock system DPMS and several other manufactures (complete list at bottom of this section) utilize an AR-15 receiver extension in conjunction with a 308-specific buffer and action spring. You can use any carbine stock that matches the OD of your tube (commercial vs. mil-spec.) The buffer DPMS uses looks like a cut-down AR-15 carbine buffer. It is around 3/4 shorter. You can see a comparison pic above. There are a few options for buffers: DPMS 308-CS-10B - this is the standard DPMS buffer. Slash CAR-10 buffers - Available in 5.5oz and XH 6.5oz. Slash recommends his proprietary spring for use with these. JP JPSCS-10 - proprietary captured system with springs, alternative springs available as JPSCS-PACK10 JP JPSCS-10K - as above with alternative springs. Other companies may make something very similar to the DPMS buffer, but theyve gotten pretty generic by now similar to mil-spec AR-15 buffers. Action springs are specific to the DPMS LR-308 style system. Springs that work in the ArmaLite AR-10 style system will not work with the DPMS style system. JP JPSCS-10 - proprietary captured system with buffer weights, alternative springs available as JPSCS-PACK10 JP JPSCS-10K - as above with alternative springs. Any AR-15 carbine receiver extension will work with the above components, commercial or mil-spec. If you want to run a MagPul UBR on your rifle, the DPMS style system is the only way to go. 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In the event that an order is cancelled, we will not charge you and we will return funds if payment has been sent. My first impression of the Beretta BU9 Nano. awwww, it8217s a baby Glock Even the artful swage line running from the rear to the front of the Nano8217s slide can8217t hide the fact that the baby Beretta is an Austrian-style chunky monkey. At second glance, the Nano is a soap bar that8217s been left in the shower for a couple of weeks. It8217s small, slim, sleek and sexy a snag-free concealable shooter with low-profile sights and beveled edges. There8217s no slide stop to be seen the reversible mag release is the pistol8217s only protrusion. You could even say the striker-fired Nano looks like a Glock to be named later. Not that that8217s a bad thing. Like any little single stacker, the Beretta Nano challenges its owners to concentrate even more carefully on shot placement. The Nano packs a scant 61 rounds of your favorite flavor of nine mil. Fortunately, Beretta includes a spare magazine in the deal, encouraging Nano packers to double-up on ammo for any worst case scenario. Combat reload Good luck with that. Along with the Kahr CM9. the BU9 is P rated. You can use hotter ammo, but you better hold on tight. The Nano is strictly a two-finger salute to Mr. Bad guy. The gun leaves smaller-handed women (like yours truly) struggling for pinky purchase. Depending on the size of your mitts, the Nano8217s report may be best appreciated as the sound of one hand defending. Interestingly, Beretta laser-etched the gun8217s serial number on the gun8217s chassis instead of the grip frame. The Nano8217s grip can be completely replaced. Shooters with larger paws for thought may want to wait until Beretta or an aftermarket supplier releases a customized frame capable of accommodating XXL hand sizes. An extended magazine is only a matter of time the less the better. The Nano may be small and smooth, but it8217s not the lightest gun of its type. The polymer-and-steel framed mini-nine tips the scales at just under 18 oz. That8217s almost an ounce heavier than a similarly robust (if more elegant) Kimber Solo Carry and the (plenty cheaper) Ruger LC9. As always, there8217s a trade-off between carry comfort and muzzle rise/shooting accuracy. If center of mass follow-up shots at five yards-plus are a high priority8212and why wouldn8217t they be8212the Nano is the right answer. The Nano8217s sights are unremarkable three dotters. For me, target re-acquisition is slower than it would be with a dot and post arrangement (like the set-up on Berettas beefier M9). Beretta claims that all you need is a small (1.3mm) hex wrench to pop in new sights on your own. Any Nano packer should give serious consideration to swapping out the stock three dots for some proper night sights. Down at the range, I fired 800 rounds of 115gr ammo through the Nano8212a diet that would give the Kimber Solo a bad case of reflux disease. Here8217s the skinny on the ammo I fed the gun: Federal Champion 115gr FMJ, 1145 fps Remington UMC 115gr FMJ, 1145 fps Winchester (white box) 115gr FMJ, 1190 fps Hornady Critical Defense (only one box of 25rds) 115gr FTX, 1140 fps I experienced one failure to eject (FTE) with Winchester white box and one failure to feed (FTF) shooting Remington UMC. In other words, the pocket rocket shot like a Glock8212more or less. That said, I8217ve read complaints by owners who8217ve experienced regular FTE errors. In the SHOT show video above, Ben Cook from Beretta USA admits the Nano might have an issue with underpowered ammo. In the video below Cook tortured tested the Nano, withholding lubrication and cleaning during thousands of rounds. While I wouldnt recommend putting your own handguns through this kind of abuse, I couldnt help but to try the test for myself. As soon as my test Nano arrived, I gave it a bath in Hoppe8217s No. 9, reassembled it and began shooting. During the entirety of the aforementioned 800 rounds and since I8217ve yet to give the Nano even a sip of oil. Two errors speaks well of this petite pistols reliability. The Nano8217s trigger is the biggest fly in the ballistic ointment. The baby Beretta may emulate a Glock with its inline trigger safety, but it has none of the pleasure of a Glock8217s go-pedal. The Nanos heavy nine-pound bang switch has a long drag, and the journey8217s not a smooth one. When it8217s crunch time, you don8217t want it to be crunch time. The shooter8217s solution: one long consistent pull with an equally epic return. Field stripping the BU9 is user-friendly enough standard for this style of handgun. If you8217re concerned about pulling the trigger to deactivate the striker, you can press the Nano8217s striker deactivator with a pen tip. After that, give the disassembly pin a quarter turn (I used a penny, but you can use the edge of a magazine or a casing) and the slide separates from the frame. The whole process doesnt take more than ten seconds, assuming you have a pen handy. Initially, I was underwhelmed by the idea of yet another polymer CCW baby nine. The Beretta Nano won me over. The trigger is long on safety and short on precision but the Nano does all the things I expect from a self-defense subcompact. It8217s light (enough) without sacrificing accuracy. It conceals well. It8217s enjoyable to shoot, and a lot more affordable than the Kimber. The Nano8217s design isnt groundbreaking, but it borrows the right bits from other pocket pistols and does it with Glock-like style. In fact, the Nano8217s only real competition is the Glock micro-nine that the Austrian gunmaker has yet to build. Until then, the Beretta Nano is an ideal choice in an increasingly crowded niche. Model: JMN9S15 Caliber: 9mm Parabellum (Luger) Capacity: 61 Overall Length: 5.63 Barrel Length: 3.07 Height: 4.17 Width. 90 Weight (unloaded): 17.67oz. Sights: 3 dot low profile Slide: Pronox finish 4140 steel Frame: Technopolymer MSRP: 475 (about 400 street) RATINGS (out of five stars): Style Its curvier than a Glock, has clean lines, and roll-marked lettering. Its sexy in a tactical practical kinda way. Ergonomics (carry) Small, light, non-reflective, and snag free8212ideal features for a CCW pistol. Ergonomics (firing) Comfortable heft makes it a pleasant shooter. It loses a star for the two finger grip, and another for that long, crunchy trigger pull. Reliability My experience was primo, but there are complaints buzzing around about FTEs. Customize This The non-serialized grip frame opens the door wide for customized grips. The easily interchangeable sights make the Nano a personalized package just waiting to be assembled. Overall Rating A pocket rocket that I can depend on without breaking the budget scores points with me, but its looks dont hurt either. With a proper, more Glock-like trigger, the Nano would8217ve landed the coveted TTAG fifth star. Great review I8217m jealous, actually: the Nano was my favorite subcompact from the SHOT show. I found the Nano8217s recoil to be much more comfortable than a Kahr8217s or Kel Tec8217s, with far less muzzle flip. My followup shots were much faster, and my palm didn8217t sting afterwards. The trigger was mushier than the Kahr8217s, however. The Nano has been plagued by early reports of extraction problems, ours also. usrkba. org/nano-thoughts So far the party line is to only use defense ammunition, 124 grain or heavier and optionally P. Im at a loss to explain how the bullet weight or pressure will affect the performance of the extractor, and the c/s rep. I spoke to could not either. Hence, its back to Accokeek. I8217ve shot a few hundred rounds through my new Nano so far. I like it. Early on I had two extraction problems but none since then. I8217m just shooting inexpensive 115 gr FMJ ammo. I8217ll shoot heaver bullets and the premium defense stuff eventually. Since any tiny 9mm flips up strongly I8217m skeptical about the practicality of P loads but I will try those too. Jeff Nugent says: I8217ve had my nano for a year now. Lost count of how many rounds I8217ve put through it but I8217ve never once had a FTE or any other problem. I highly recommend this gun. My wife still prefers her glock, but only because of the trigger. i8217ve had mine for almost a year. i carry it everywhere in a back pocket holster. put 1000 rounds through it with not a problem. if you pull the mag followers and cut a little less than 1/8 inch off the back edges you can have 71. that hasn8217t seemed to cause any issues for me so far. Supposedly they designed the Nano for .40 but released the 9mm version first. I too am waiting for the .40 cal. bontai Joe says: Nice review. I was studying the photo of you holding this pistol and you indeed have small hands. I am unfortunately blessed (cursed) with XXL size paws and I8217ll need to check this one at the gun shop to see if I can even get a full 2 finger hold on it. My little AMT Backup allows me a 1 1/2 finger grip to give you an idea how big my hands are. Do you have any notion if the trigger can be smoothed up at a reasonable price I can see by your ammo choices that8217s your budget is much more similar to mine than Ferrari owning RF (not that owning a beautiful work of Italian engineering wonder is a bad thing, quite the contrary). I love seeing guns tested with the ammo, because I know that8217s the bulk of what I8217ll be shooting until I get my reloading equipment. Great review, you are a wonderful addition to the TTAG staff Very good, very detailed review. I like that you put so many rounds downrange. Most gun reviews stop at 5 or 6 boxes. Hope to see more of your work. Ridiculous. You write about the FTEs and then you say its dependable (meaning reliable). I realize its part of the 8220trade8221 but your biases are evident in almost everything you review. I would give this review a coveted 1-star TTAG review. Im thinking of making Beretta USA half owner of my Nano, since they have had it about half the time since I purchased it. Nobody wants to admit the gun they just bought sucks, and if it fails to work with any commercially bought SAAMI spec ammunition, it sucks. It might be the best featured gun in the world, but if it wont work reliably you had best admit to yourself and others that it sucks. Not necessarily the whole model line, but certainly your example. This rationalization is prevalent in a lot of things we do. Vehicle purchases, dealing with politicians, gun purchases you name it. We hate to admit that the Joneses got their vehicle for several hundred dollars less, or that their gun performs more reliably than the one we just purchased. I found the PF9 to be a superior gun, if you can deal with the trigger, but that is a subjective opinion based on my personal experiences, biases, and round for round fired comparison. Any review you read online or in print media will be subject to the same influences. What blog reviews offer is a more prominent showing of the flaws or weaknesses that wont survive an editorial review from a print media which takes advertising money from the manufacturer of the gun being reviewed or an accessory provider for them and a host of other unholy influences. Making excuses for firearm malfunctions with the amount of engineering precision available today is just silly. It is truly irresponsible and unethical to carry a firearm that you know to have a proven history of malfunctions in your hands. To quote the NRA, 50 rounds is probably not quite enough, 500 rounds might be too many. Many gunsmiths recommend 150-200 rounds with no stoppages. Ultimately its the owners responsibility to assess reliability. But youre right JD, providing even an implicit endorsement of a gun with a non perfect performance is just as irresponsible and just as unethical as carrying one, maybe more so. DaveY, sounds like you got a lemon8230 sorry to hear that. I agree with you on the whole owners bias thing and that carrying an unreliable personal defense pistol is insane. On a different note however, many of us have perfectly reliable Nano8217s and carry them with confidence. I8217ve put roughly 800 rounds through mine and the only way I can produce a malfunction is if I totally limp-wrist it 8211 and even then, it8217s still hard to get it to do it. Anyway, I hope you get yours sorted out. Well, I never knew about the 8220nano8221 until just this morning8230.a friend of mine told me to check it out, so I did, I was looking at the Khar, the gunshop/range attendant offered me a test ride on the Nano, which, to be honest, I didn8217t liked it at first, it looked kind of funny in the flesh, but I have always trusted Beretta, for good reason. I took it to the line and found the trigger better than a glock(this one has several 1008217s rounds thru it, as it8217s a demo gun) but after my first 10 shots I had to clean up my eyeglasses cause I can8217t believe what I was seeing, at 25 ft I had barely missed the X on a standard b29 target() so I pushed it back to 45 ft and I had just a couple of 98217s. pushing the envelope to 65 ft(max at that range) I deliberately slowly shoot two more 5-round sets and I still was within the 8 ring, with a pocket pistol. I had to have this little gem, so I quickly slided my ATM and filled the necessary paperwork and went back to the line with a brand new Nano. I loaded and the very first round didn8217t feed, ugh..well it was the very first, so I tap-rack ejected the round and proceed with a couple of boxes, the only failure was a failure to buy more ammo because this thing ate 100 rounds like if nothing, and the out of the box gun shoot even better than the other one in the sense that the sights were perfectly centered. I8217m carrying this piece no doubt, it goes in a pocket like nothing and I trust this one, there8217s nothing indicating any kind of flaw in the design, and it8217s not even painful to shoot even with full powered ammo. I give it five stars, of course it8217s my gun p doesn8217t affect the extractor, but the extra distance the slide travels from p makes sure the empty casing swings out of the port. Pistols with stiff recoil springs need p ammo. Greg Bankston says: Sent my new Nano back yesterday8230.I am so depressed. First box at range shooting WWB and Remington 115gr. many FTE8217s. Internet research led me to try 124gr. and FTE8221s continued. Used Walmart WINCHESTER NATO 124. Speer 124gr Lawman and even Speer Gold Dot 124 gr P8230all failed. I am a very proficient shooter and am sorry I bought it. My old XD sub compact not much bigger eats everything and runs like a precision machine but I thought I could pocket carry the NANO and that didn8217t work because it8217s still too big. I can easily conceal my XD and my Kimber 48243 PRO and my old SampW 640 revolver that I carry with 357 and 38P. I just hope Beretta makes it right before I get it back. Was an impulse buy and I couldn8217t in good conscience even sell it to another. GUNS AMERICA 8211 Just came across this review of sorts, the second video. Apparently the NANO may be the only mini 9 that matched their favorite, by consensus, theirs, the Walther PPS. I happen to agree with their assessment, having owned or shot the competition more than once. I torture tested the Nano at the range, firing sideways, upside down (no, not while flying through the air) and if worked flawlessly. This one will be a big seller after owners of Kimber Solos and Kahr PM9s ditch their unreliable weapons. Actually, they have little choice in the matter. Lady Bobo8217s PM9 has been anything BUT Unreliable, the only issue she8217s had is after injuring her wrist she has a tough time racking the slide. We8217re going to take a look at the Nano and see if it works better for her (she8217s not a revolver fan). Yes it is a nice review and there are many. The FTF and FTE problems are legendary for those btw, who insist on feeding it crap ammo. I8217ve now used it a lot since my last comments and had absolutely no problems. I believe very early production had a few issues, these were quickly resolved by Beretta. A gun magazine recently said that 8220it8217s not the smallest out there, but design-wise and engineering-wise it is light years ahead of the rest.8221 From living with it and owning some of the others, I agree. Accordingly, I can8217t agree with the suggestion that the Nano is not groundbreaking. I think its engineering is. Because it has solved a few problems of the small pistol other makes haven8217t even attempted to address. I am sure they have patented some of these new ideas, so the Nano is just a beginning in this direction for Baretta. It8217s catch up for the rest. Hi AGB, I just bought the Nano to use as a CCW pocket carry gun. Before I start packing it, I will take it to the range with the idea of running a few hundred rounds through it. In the past with my other autos I have had also bad luck with crap ammo. However, I have also found that what maybe crap ammo for one auto maybe good ammo for one of my other autos. Since you did not have any FTE and FTF problems with your Nano, could I get you to tell me which ammo you used It would sure be nice if I could safe some range time and money. Did you use both the FMJ (for range use) as well as the hollow point self-defense ammo Much appreciated for helping me out with this. Harry, I apologize not finding your reply in my email folder til now. To answer you. I used common target ammo FMJ and Cor-Bon DPX (not many of the last because of the expense). It appears that most ammo will feed well. I use DPX for the defense ammo to carry. Just try your favorite ammo with it and see what happens. That8217s the only way to test any pistol. Eventually, you will have to use self defense ammo and I would test it with that. Some people said that the pistol was designed for 125 gr, but I8217ve been shooting 115 grain (more of those available) with good results. Lastly, buy the Trijicon night sights from Beretta direct. Easy to install. Most issues arise at night, so be aware. I have had zero problems with my Nano, other than some wear where the barrel and slide lock up that seems a little premature but does not affect function one bit. However, I have griped to Beretta about accessories, or shall I say, the enormous lack thereof. So imagine my surprise when I was asked by them to be a Beta tester for some of the items soon to come out. Seriously, to have a major company listen to me and bring me into the fold is amazing in this day and age. (And no, I am not a gun-rag writer, nor do I own a gun shop.) Old fashioned customer service is usually a thing of the past, but Beretta apparently knows customer happiness and loyalty goes farther than any advertisement. Heck, look at how I8217m here typing away about my fondness for a gun company Whether you like the Nano or not is up to you. It is one of several good sub-nines out there. But should you choose it, I can certainly assure you I have found Beretta8217s service is top-tier, and you will have a wonderful carry piece and a company that firmly stands behind it and you, the consumer. It8217s great to see a review by not only someone who doesn8217t have hands the size of hams, but a woman as well Once upon a time I bought a SampW CS45, a tiny little .45acp double action. For me it was a single shot: Bang, jam It didn8217t have this problem for the guys I had try it, and they said I must be limp wristing it, but no, I was griping it as hard and holding my wrists as rigid as I could, and it still went Bang, jam. It eventually occurred to me these guys not only had MUCH bigger hands, but their wrists were about as big as my ankles. Try as I might there was just no way I was going to lock down my grip as solidly as these guys were. Now, I8217m not a small woman, fewer than 1 in a hundred are as tall as I am (Though many are heavier) and bracing with all my might against the recoil, I couldn8217t convince the CS45 to work. I was concerned that this might be the case with the baby 9s. This review convinced me that the Nano was worth trying. I have to admit having been quite skeptical about Beretta8217s handguns. When the Army adopted the Beretta 92, I tried one out, and it8217s grip was so huge I couldn8217t hold the thing stable 8211 recoil would try to twist the contraption out of my hand. Gary Panuska says: On mine, I cleaned it with mineral spirits, blew it dry and re-lubed. I took this baby to the range and shot a variety of ammo. 2 days at the range, over 600 rounds and not a single failure. Started with Federal American Eagle 9mm 147 Grain FMJ, Federal American Eagle FMJ 124 Grain FMJ, Federal American Eagle 9mm 115 Grain, Herter8217s Select Grade 115 Grain TNJ aluminum case Total Nylon Jacket, and even Wal-Marts Winchester White Box 115 Grain. The Nano feels good in my hand, recoil very manageable, accurate, quick follow-up shots. I am very impressed with the Nano, a winner for a great concealable weapon for carry. Ian Osborne says: The Nano is the only gun purchase I8217ve made that I have regrets. I was CCing this firearm but after spending the past year at the range with it, I decided it was enough. Every single person I8217ve given the gun to at the range to try out is completely grossed out by the disgustingly long and sloppy trigger pull on this gun. Even after putting 600 rounds through it, switching between a multitude of other firearms really accentuates this issue. Trigger control and practice is one thing, but when the pull feels like you ran a marathon distance every time, its quite obvious just how terrible it is. Some people had actually started pulling the trigger and literally stopped, set the gun down and asked me what8217s wrong. That8217s a testimony all by itself. Recently, I began to consult with women who want to protect themselves by helping them find a gun that suits their specific and varied needs. This gun was in my range gear as an option for them to try, when a gun feels so unnatural that first time shooters are confused by it (again, trigger pull), its pretty hard to recommend a gun that you have to say, 8220It takes getting used to8221. That being said, I have a used nano for sale. Corporate sponsored gun reviews be damned. It8217s always a pleasure to get a negative experience amongst all the positives, and in light of the many good reviews the pistol received, the initial problems apparently had been worked out. I can suggest three possibilities to Ian8217s misfortune: 1. Defective pistol (not likely) 2. Defective shooters (no comment) 3. Shooter didn8217t 8220like8221 how a semiauto meant to operate just like a revolver more or less, operated just like a revolver more or less8230.the only difference being is that the Nano in most applications is more accurate than a revolver with a short barrel and most other micro 98217s meant for the same market. But then nothing is perfect except the image I see in the mirror. Ian Osborne says: Fair enough. I8217m very accurate with it by the way and I personally don8217t feel like I8217m pulling a hammer back with the trigger as in a revolver. I feel like I8217m pulling mush for a mile then towards the last 10 feet I feel it finally engaging. I8217ve found a lot of Beretta die hardship feel the same way as I do. One trip to the forums will show that. My EDC is now a Kimber Pro Carry II. Granted the price is 3 times more. I finally got my new Nano to the range this past weekend, and although I only put 200 rounds through it, I didn8217t have a single failure of any kind. I was shooting 124gr FMJ range ammo and it was a very accurate and enjoyable experience. I have no doubts about the reliability of this firearm and if my wife doesn8217t steal it from me, it will be my new favorite carry. For all of you wondering about the 40 sampw Nano, the BU9 is going to have an interchangeable barrel for a 40 sampw, has not been released yet, but soon. But you better use the extended mag, cuz thats going to hurt. lol Just purchased a new Nano Beretta. Have a Beretta Storm and I hope the Nano will perform as good as it does. Ammo is hard to come by where I live, and like the weapon (s) problems hope it resolves itself. Nice feel to this one and the lack of different things on the slide sides like others is a good thing. For example the Ruger is a fine shooting gun once you get by all those items on the side. But with small weapons to day used for concealed carry a manual safety switch is a little much. Carrying a small gun used for self defense is just exactually that. If you have to pull that baby who wants to worry about the safety being on or off. The trigger pull on the Nano is a little much. When I pull the trigger on my weapons I want it to go bang not wonder if its going to go bang. They claim the long pull is for safety. Lets leave the youngsters at home. Quite clear the Nano is not a range gun but a pocket gun you use for self protection. About 5 feet or so your attacker is ready to shoot you. Have a good pocket holster to carry this killer in and when you pull it shoot him. None of this talking crap. If you came to talk why have this weapon on you in the first place. Lets be honest, why this situation in the first place if you are not really ready to protect your self. When the authorty gave you a badge or a concealed carry permit to arm yourself it was for a purpose. Again, stop the games and get down to deady actions. If I. m in a parking lot and this dude comes up to me armed and intends to rob or kill me guess what8211plain and simple I shoot the SOB. If not why have the weapon on your self with a CCW to go with it. Folks this is a bad world out there and you never know what you about to run into. When I went into law enforcement in the early 508217s you seldom ran into bad guys with guns. Mostly knifes, clubs, etc. Seldom did you encounter youngsters carrying ARs, etc. 50, 60, 70s etc. Today when you see them with shotguns or ARs you can bet some of them are up to no good. And your gun is in the glove department of your parked truck. Bottom line8212go to a good self defense school, have a good gun on you and carry good ammo. Shoot only when you are threatened with deadly actions. Don Guertin says: I bought one a month ago and I really like it. I am very used to the longer trigger pull and if you don8217t like it then try the KelTek P11 now that is so long it is scary to me. I then bought a Sig Sauer P250 Sub compact and the trigger was a lot better but for me the gun was hard to concela and loaded was just heavier than I prefered the Nano and I really like the gun. The trigger pull is a little long but I feel it is smooth. the weight is lighter and it has none of the safteys many guns have. Mine came with a 6 and a 8 round mags and the 8 round has the extra finger groove so it is comfy. I carry it well hid under my shirt in a DeSantis holster. I have never had a FTF or FT problem unlike my Sig I had to send back to make it work. I love Berettas and was so hopefull this gun would work as good as it does. Cool light weight carry gun that does what it is supposed to do. Sold mine. Way to many extraction problems. Eventually the trigger just stopped working. Bought a Kahr CM9. Works perfectly. john j patros says: no one especialy dealers ever tell the truth about guns, sub compacts are notorious for FTE and if you think about it you can understand why, they are just too darn small and light, therefore if you are dumb enough to buy one of these and even dumber to trust your life to one then you will likely get what you deserve. wise up and stay away from these they are all junk as of this time, not saying that someday a quality one may be invented, but I doubt it. Timothy Malone says: I like my nano but it has a long trigger pull. After I take up the slack in the trigger it still requires a heavy finger to fire the pistol. It requires a certain amount of concentration to avoid jerking the trigger. I don8217t know if that is common to all Nanos or is specific to mine. It is a bit heavy and I wear suspenders to hold my pants up. However, it is of a nice size to carry concealed. The accuracy of the Nano is slightly lower than my Glock 19 but that is probably me and not the Nano. Beretta recommends at least 124gr ammo, so your failures were probably due to using 115gr.

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